I think this is the perfect application for the covid cleared architecture! I want to partner to save the restaurant industry before it is too late. Get introduced by a Top Chef as their branded solution. All the parts are essentially in place. This allows them to have normal indoor dining. Think of it as a personal chef that works for your family except your family is the group of people you dine with at that moment in time. This can start out with high end restaurants, and then migrate to smaller scale restaurants for developers who choose to use the architecture or API. I also want to offer on line training on how to do this with a major programming skills market place.
A couple points. This is not an anonymous app like Google-Apple .It is a highly permissioned app with a cloud service as a third party broker as a cloud service serving a very specific interaction in restaurants and lowering risk.
It is a "design by contract". You share actual covid-19 medical testing data, in some form, that preserves privacy, (as does everyone else at the restaurant sitting, including the employees). There is follow up and perhaps a special status for restaurants that demonstrate compliance.
"Under the new measures, restaurants, bars, gaming operations, gyms, fitness facilities and other businesses and activities will be limited to 25 percent of applicable fire code capacity, down from 50 percent. Retail stores – including grocery stores – will remain at 50 percent of capacity, with strict social distancing and additional monitoring requirements." Nevada Nov 23 for three weeks.
What if a restaurant in a casino could operate at 100% and safely, by adding the capability to leverage a restaurant based solution? They want a solution.